Landscape Economy Readings and Resources

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Thematic seminar sequence

Lecture recordings and material

  • Session recordings and slides are usually published shortly after our Monday sessions.
  • You can find them open access on ILIAS via this link

Session 1: The wider TELOS context

Session 2.1: Health & Recreation

Session 2.2: The Commons

Session 2.3: Mobility

Session 2.4: Energy

Nadaï, N. & van der Horst, D. (2010): Introduction: Landscapes of Energies. In: Landscape Research, 35:2, 143-155. Ponitka, J. & Boettner, S. (2020): Challenges of future energy landscapes in Germany — a nature conservation perspective. In: Energ Sustain Soc 10, 17 (2020). Salak, B. et al (2022): Impact on the perceived landscape quality through renewable energy infrastructure. A discrete choice experiment in the context of the Swiss energy transition. In: Renewable Energy, Volume 193, 2022,Pages 299-308,

Session 3.1: Agriculture

Session 3.2: Urban Forestry

Session 4.1: Housing

Session 4.2: Production and Logistics