Landscape Economy Readings and Resources

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Thematic seminar sequence

Lecture recordings, textbooks and materials

  • Session recordings and slides are usually published shortly after our Monday sessions.
  • You can find them open access on ILIAS via this link

Session 1: The wider TELOS context

Further readings:

Session 2.1: Health & Recreation

Organisations: International Society for Urban Health (ISUH)

Session 2.2: The Commons

Further readings:

Session 3.1: Dwelling & Housing

Further readings:

  • Kopf K., The Handbook of Urban Morphology, 2018.
  • Wratten Steve D., Ecosystem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscape, 2013.
  • Young Xiao, Urban Morphology and Housing Market, 2015.
  • Ninan K. N., Valuing Ecosystem Servises, 2017.

Session 3.2: Tourism

Further readings:

Session 4.1: Agriculture & Foodscapes

Further readings and resources:

Session 4.2: Urban Forestry

Further readings:

Session 5.1: Mobility

Further readings:

Session 5.2: Energy Landscapes and Positive Energy Districts (PED)

Further readings:

Session 6: The Hidden Landscapes of the Global Value Added Chain

Further readings:

Session 8: Scenario and Forecasting

Session 9: Examples for System Modelling

Session 10+11: System Design with the Social Business Model Canvas

Assignment Templates and Evaluation Forms

Assignment 1: Pre- and Post-Seminar Concept Mapping

Assignment 2: Landscape System Analysis

Assignment 3: Landscape System Modeling

Assignment 4: Field Research and Good Practices