Landscape Economy Readings and Resources
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Lecture recordings, textbooks and materials
- Session recordings and slides are usually published shortly after our Monday sessions.
- You can find them open access on ILIAS via this link
Session 1: The wider TELOS context
- TELOS Chapter: Landscape Economy - Conceptual Connections - Mapping the Terrain
- Session Slides & Recordings
Further readings:
- Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Planetary Boundaries
- Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations
- 'The Wedding Cake Model' of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Stockholm Resilience Centre)
- The Council of Europe Landscape Convention, Council of Europe, 2000
- The European Green Deal, European Union, Commmunication from the Commission, 2019
- The New European Bauhaus
- New Leipzig Charta - The transformative power of cities for the common good, EU ministers of spatial planning, 2020
- GreenComp The European sustainability competence framework (Joint Research Centre, 2022)
Session 2.1: Health & Recreation
- Session Slides & Recordings
- EKLIPSE Report: Types and characteristics of urban and peri-urban green spaces having an impact on human mental health and wellbeing: a systematic review
- EKLIPSE Report: Types and characteristics of urbanand peri-urban blue spaces having an impact on human mental health and wellbeing: a systematic review
Organisations: International Society for Urban Health (ISUH)
Session 2.2: The Commons
Further readings:
- Menatti. L. (2017). Landscape: from common good to human right. In: International Journal of the Commons Vol. 11, no 2 2017, pp. 641–683 Publisher: Upen Journals; DOI: 10.18352/ijc.738: pages 649 – 659 (10 pages)
- Urban Commons Research Collective. (2022)., Urban Commons Handbook (partially on google books) (Barcelona: dpr-barcelona, 2022): pages 18-29 and 32-54 (34 pages).
- Glossary of urban development for the common good
Session 3.1: Dwelling & Housing
Further readings:
- Kopf K., The Handbook of Urban Morphology, 2018.
- Wratten Steve D., Ecosystem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscape, 2013.
- Young Xiao, Urban Morphology and Housing Market, 2015.
- Ninan K. N., Valuing Ecosystem Servises, 2017.
Session 3.2: Tourism
Further readings:
- Dabeedooal, Y.J., Dindoyal, V., Allam, Z., Jones, D.S., 2019. Smart Tourism as a Pillar for Sustainable Urban Development: An Alternate Smart City Strategy from Mauritius. Smart Cities 2: 153–162;
- European Union, 2022. Transition pathway for tourism. European Commission. Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- Giriwati, N., Homma, R., Iki, K. 2013. Urban tourism: designing a tourism space in a city context for social sustainability. The Sustainable City VIII (1): 165-175
- Jiménez-García, M., Ruiz-Chico, J., Peña-Sánchez, A.R, 2020. Landscape and Tourism: Evolution of Research Topics. Land 9 (488):1-17
- Naydenov, K., 2018. Circular Tourism as a Key for Eco-Innovations in Circular Economy Based On Sustainable Development. Conference: 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM2018, pp.135-142
- Skowronek, E., Tucki, A., Huijbens, E., Jóźwik, M., 2018. What is the Tourist Landscape? Aspects and Features of The Concept. Acta geographica Slovenica, 58-2, 2018, 73–85.
Session 4.1: Agriculture & Foodscapes
Further readings and resources:
- Farm to Fork Strategy of the European Union
- Communication on the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030
- LE:NOTRE Lecture Series on Sustainable Food Planning
Session 4.2: Urban Forestry
Further readings:
- Davies C., Andreucci MB, Zürcher N., 2017. Guideline for urban forestry as critical green infrastructure in European urban areas. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35181.18405, available on ResearchGate
- Gulsrud et al, 2018. Urban Forest in a European Perspective. IGN Report, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, available on ResearchGate
- Hetemaki, L, 2020. The Green Deal and the EU Forest Sector
- Livesley SJ, McPherson, EG and Calfapietra, C., 2016. The Urban Forest and Ecosystem Services: Impacts on Urban Water, Heat, and Pollution Cycles at the Tree, Street, and City Scale. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45: 119-124
Session 5.1: Mobility
Further readings:
- Arthur D. Little (2018), The future of Mobility 3.0 (
- International Transport Forum / OECD (2021), The Innovative Mobility Landscape The Case of Mobility as a Service (
- Video with Martin Smolka, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Land value capture as a land based tool to finance urban development
- Case study from Brussels, Piétonnier Ville de Bruxelles (short Video)
Session 5.2: Energy Landscapes and Positive Energy Districts (PED)
- TELOS Chapter Energy Landscapes
- TELOS Chapter Positive Energy Disctrics (PEDs)
- Session Slides & Recordings
Further readings:
- Stremke, Sven et al (2023): The Power of Landscape. Novel Narratives to Engage with the Energy Transition
- Sijmons, Dirk et al (2014): Landscape and Energy.Designing Transition
- Roth, M. et al (2019): Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality (COST Action)
- Merel, E. et al. (2022): To support or oppose renewable energy projects? A systematic literature review on the factors influencing landscape design and social acceptance. In: Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 91, 2022, 102740.
- Frolova, M. et al. (2019). Effects of renewable energy on landscape in Europe: Comparison of hydro, wind, solar, bio-, geothermal and infrastructure energy landscapes. In: Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 68(4), 317-339.
- Nadaï, N. & van der Horst, D. (2010): Introduction: Landscapes of Energies. In: Landscape Research, 35:2, 143-155.
- Ponitka, J. & Boettner, S. (2020): Challenges of future energy landscapes in Germany — a nature conservation perspective. In: Energ Sustain Soc 10, 17 (2020).
- Salak, B. et al (2022): Impact on the perceived landscape quality through renewable energy infrastructure. A discrete choice experiment in the context of the Swiss energy transition. In: Renewable Energy, Volume 193, 2022,Pages 299-308,
Session 6: The Hidden Landscapes of the Global Value Added Chain
Further readings:
- Boulet, M..; Annet Hoek, Rob Raven (2021): The gaze of the gatekeeper, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 171, 2021,
- Deloitte (ed., 2022): Global powers of retailing 2021
- EU Circular Economy action plan
- Hunt, C. (2021): How can retailers adapt to the 15-minute city trend?, Podcast (55 Min.)
- Jones, P.; Comfort, D. (2019): The circular economy and natural capital: A case study of European clothing and fashion retailers, in:International Journal of Management Cases, 21(1):36-50, 2019, ISSN: 1741-6264
- Schaltegger, S.; Buritt, R. (2014): Measuring and managing sustainability performance of supply chains, Review and sustainability supply chain management framework, in: Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 19/3 (2014) 232–241,
- Sidharath Joshi (2022): A review on sustainable supply chain network design: Dimensions, paradigms, concepts, framework and future directions, Sustainable Operations and Computers, Volume 3, p. 136-148.
- Sughra G. (2021): Socially Responsible Retailing. In: Crowther D., Seifi S. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Wintschnig, B. A. (2021): The Attitude-Behavior Gap – Drivers and Barriers of Sustainable Consumption in: Junior Management Science 6(2), p. 324-346
- Zamfir, I. (2020): Towards a mandatory EU system of due diligence for supply chains, European Parliamentary Research Service, EU
Session 8: Scenario and Forecasting
- Session Slides & Recordings
- Oxfam Discussion Papers: Global Megatrends: Mapping the forces that affect us all
- Kosow, H., & Gaßner, R. (2008). Methods of Future and Scenario Analysis: Overview, Assessment, and SelectionCriteria.(DIE Studies, 39). Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik gGmbH.
- DPSIR Method
- The Cone of Plausability
- Backcasting: Building your steps to the future
Session 9: Examples for System Modelling
- Juanjo Galan: Visualising Landscape Systems (Examples)
- Juanjo Galan: Visualising Landscape Systems (Broader Context)
Session 10+11: System Design with the Social Business Model Canvas
- Lecture materials (Part 1) from sessions with Dirk Funck
- Lecture materials (Part 2) from sessions with Dirk Funck
- Funck, Fetzer, Dreksler, 2023: People, Landscape, Sustainability: A Handbook for Community Innovation Promoters (free PDF)
- List of international good practice case studies of social innovation (from social innovation seminar)
Assignment Templates and Evaluation Forms
Assignment 1: Pre- and Post-Seminar Concept Mapping
- Full assignment description: TELOS Assignment 1: Concept Mapping (2024-25)
Assignment 2: Landscape System Analysis
- Full assignment description:TELOS Assignment 2: Landscape System Analysis (2024-25)
- Download presentation template
- Download Evaluation Form
Assignment 3: Landscape System Modeling
- Full assignment description: TELOS Assignment 3: Landscape System Modeling (2024-25)
- Download Assignment 3 Presentation Template
- Download Assessment Form
Assignment 4: Field Research and Good Practices
- Full assignment description:TELOS Assignment 4: Field Research on Good Practices (2024-25)
- download case study template
- download assessment form