TELOS Winter School 2024

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The TELOS Winter School was hosted by Akdeniz University in Antalya, Turkey. The 10-days learning event took place from February 16 - 25, 2024

All Inclusive: Landscape development for Manavgat in the Antalya Bay

45 students and 10 lecturers from the TELOS cooperation project are currently working at the Faculty of Architecture at Akdeniz University in Antalya, Turkey. The 10-day intensive programme is funded by the European Union through ERASMUS+. The international participants come from the Nürtingen-Geislingen University in Germany, the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland, the Sapienza University of Rome in Italy and from the LE:NOTRE Institute in the Netherlands.

TELOS is a higher education development project in which a new module is being created at the interface of economics, landscape and social innovation. The students previously took part in a transnational online course over the winter semester. The perspectives of different land uses, which generally compete with each other, were conveyed. There were lectures on the topics of mobility, housing, production, agriculture, common goods, the energy industry and value chains. Transformative methods such as system analysis, scenario development and social business modeling were also taught. Over 80 students from 30 countries took part in the course.

The on-site seminar in Antalya gavesome participants the opportunity to implement and practice what they have learned in the online course in a specific spatial context. Manavgat is located to the east of the vacation metropolis of Antalya on the river of the same name and at the foot of the Taurus.

The landscape is exemplary of the problems in many Mediterranean coastal towns: intensive tourism, highly productive agriculture, enormous settlement pressure, massive threats to ecosystems, water crisis, loss of cultural identity, high traffic congestion and all this in the context of climate change with higher temperatures, increased heavy rainfall events and rising sea levels.

Eight TELOS student teams apply different thematic approaches. The topics include: A landscape observatory for the Antalya Bay, governance models for a regional park, sustainable food and mobility systems, new regional tourism offerings and innovative approaches to safeguarding biodiversity in peri-urban coastal areas. The Winter School will end on Saturday, February 24th with a final presentation for the local community.

The ERASMUS project TELOS stands for 'Towards a European Landscape Economy for Sustainable Urban Development' and is coordinated at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University by Dr. Ellen Fetzer. The first workshop of this consortium took place in June 2023 as part of the Landscape Forum in Nürtingen. The cooperation will conclude in the fall at the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels with the ECLAS conference on 'Regenerative Landscapes - Designing the Transition'. A continuation is currently being planned.