TELOS Online Seminar 2022-2023

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For whom is this course?

  • Are you worried about our planetary boundaries?
  • Are you an architect who cares about sustainable development?
  • Are you an urban or landscape planner who wants to make planning and design more inclusive, systemic and strategic?
  • Are you an economist who wants to work with other disciplines on transformative processes?
  • Are you curious about other people and their knowledge?
  • Are you eager to get to know people from other places – academics like you but also citizens and their local issues?
  • Do you believe in your capability to create something new?

Then join us in the TELOS online programme, summer schools and living labs!

TELOS is about designing innovation by linking landscape and economy.

We invite an interdisciplinary audience of students as agents of transformative change for the benefits of local landscapes, economies and communities.

TELOS Online Course October 2022 - January 2023

  • Our first online seminar will start on October 10, 2022, and finish on January 30, 2023.
  • The course comprises weekly sessions starting at 16 pm CET
  • Participants can acuqire 5 - 10 ECTS, depending on their participation mode

Participation modes and distribution of credits

    • Requirements for 5 ECTS: regular and active participation, pre- and post-seminar concept mapping and preparation of a good practice case study
    • Requirements for 10 ECTS: regular and active participation, pre- and post-seminar concept mapping, landscape system analysis, landscape system model